Governor Burgum Proclaims North Dakota Tourism Week

Governor Doug Burgum proclaims May 19-25, 2024, as Tourism Week in North Dakota, recognizing the importance of tourism and travel to North Dakota’s economy.
“Travel plays an integral role in North Dakota, contributing to a strong U.S. economy, creating jobs and strengthening our state’s culture and identity,” said Gov. Burgum. “This National Travel and Tourism Week, let's celebrate all that travel does for our state now, and all that it will contribute in the future.”
In 2023 visitors to North Dakota spent more than $3.3 billion - an 8.8% increase in visitor spending which surpassed pre-pandemic levels. As a result, this growth helped sustain 3,097 businesses in the state and generated $307 million in state and local taxes. Tourism also helps grow the state’s workforce, with 76% of new residents reporting a visit to North Dakota prior to moving to the state. While most of North Dakota’s visitation is domestic, the state is a top destination for Canadians and had a notable 47% increase in border crossings in 2023.
Read more here.